CSS Topics

The following are important CSS topics and commonly used in Front-End Developer interviews. This page is where I explore each CSS topic and link to helpful resources.

Efficient CSS

`li a {}`

the browser will look for all the <a> anchor elements and then see which are a descendant of an <li> list element.


How to Serve for Feature Constrained Browsers

Um…huge topic here.

Delivering only the content and features that users desire.

The more CSS you add to accommodate more screens, the longer page load will take. CSS lacks the mechanism for qualifying its delivery to specific environments.

Prepare CSS delivery to prioritize perceived performance

Combine all CSS into 1 File

Combining all CSS into one file means one blocking HTTP request. Having all potentially applicable styles available allows the browser to apply styles immediately when conditions change (like device-orientation, browser resize, etc.). The downside here is that load time can increase since users are potentially downloading styles that aren’t applicable to their device or browser. Remember to Gzip, as CSS compresses very well because of its redundant syntax.

Separate CSS Styles

A second approach is to separate CSS styles for particular media into their own files and request them independently. The way to specify each file is to add media attrubes to the link elements with media query files. Here is an example:

<link rel=“stylesheet” href=“/large-width.css” media=“(min-width: 60em)”>

So the media attributes work just like media queries inline in the CSS, which would allow you to remove inline media queries in the CSS files. The downside is that browsers request everything referenced in the HTML document. Not only that, this approach adds blocking HTTP requests and separate files means accumulated CSS size.

The takeaway: If large portions of CSS are targeted to a particular environment, or breakpoint, the page may load faster for browsers that prioritize link elements.

Inline CSS

This is really only applicable for single page websites. Inline CSS means it can compress well for delivery and there are limited requests, but at the same time won’t be able to cache those styles for future use.

Hybrid Approach

The idea here is to inline styles that take up much of the top portion of a page and then make a judgement call as to where to start requesting externally in a non-blocking manner.

The difficulty here is managing different CSS files and continually determining the most critical CSS. There are tools to extract critical CSS for each template and creating a file that can be included inline.

For non-critical CSS there is a tool called loadCSS that loads CSS files asynchronously so that they don’t block page rendering. So, in the head you would have a <style> block with critical CSS styles for the template, followed by a <script> block beginning with the loadCSS function inline passing in a reference to the stylesheet, finally followed by a link to the sites’ full CSS to be requested if JavaScript is not available.

    /* critical CSS styles for this template go here... */
    // first, include the loadCSS function inline
    function loadCSS( href ){ ... }
    //then pass it a reference to a stylesheet to load
    loadCSS( "full.css" );
<noscript><link href="full.css" rel="stylesheet"></noscript>


More info and tips from Scott Jehl

Floats and Clearing Techniques

The float property takes an element away from the normal flow and places it along the left or right side of the containing, parent element (still a part of the flow of the web page). Text and inline elements then wrap around it.


Think of a newspaper or magazine where an image is set to the left or right of a page and text wraps around them as needed. This is a floating image, and in a word-processor you are performing a text-wrap on the image.

Clearing the Float

Sometimes you don’t want content to jump up into the available space made by a floating element. To fix this, you add the clear property to ensure the element stays beneath both floated elements.

The footer then is required to jump up into that available space as is required by the float. To fix this problem, the footer can be cleared to ensure it stays beneath both floated elements. The values for clear are left, right, or both.

An example of clearing just the left or right is if you have some text and two images floating to the right, but you want one beneath the other. The image you want below can get the clear: right property to clear itself of the other image’s float.


If a parent element only contains floating elements, it would collapse to nothing (height: 0). This kind of makes sense since if it didn’t collapse an unnatural spacing would occur. Take the example of a block element with text and an image floating to the right with height greater than the element. Another block element below it would move up into the white space, but without collapsing there would be some unnatural white space.

Techniques for Clearing the Collapse

Collapsing does have to be dealt with. The approach is to clear the float after the floating elements in a container and before the end of the container.

content: “ “;
<<<<<<< 245a04fb02b6ba1d8d93aef5fd9f5b3107af11f6
visibility: hidden;
display: block;
height: 0;
visibility: hidden;
display: block;
height: 0;
>>>>>>> Add CSS and JavaScript topics to blog
clear: both;


Resetting vs Normalizing

Resetting CSS

CSS reset removes default styling from page elements so that you are essentially “starting fresh” with attributes of your choosing.

There are multiple great reasons for this:

  1. All browsers are on the same playing field since different browsers apply different default styling to elements.

  2. Instead of thinking about removing attributes from elements, you can think about applying attributes to elements you know need them.

This guide has some awesome versions of resetting your CSS.

Normalizing CSS

Normalize CSS resets some styles, but leaves some alone. It preserves useful browser defaults, meaning you don’t have to redeclare styles for all the common typographic elements.

Normalize also corrects some common bugs like correcting font-size for pre-formatted text, SVG overflow in IE9, and also form-related bugs.

Normalize also doesn’t clutter debugging tools. No large inheritance chains. Targeted styles and conservative use of multiple selectors in rulesets stop this issue.

CSS Frameworks

CSS frameworks are pre-prepared software frameworks for easier web design and CSS use. Some come with JavaScript functions, but they are mostly design oriented.

Inline-block vs Block

Inline elements don’t accept width, you can think of <a> or <span> elements and how they don’t break the flow of the text. They can have margin and padding, but those values only push others away to the left and right, not top and bottom.

Inline-block elements is just like an inline element but you can set a width and height. Inline elements do not begin a new line.

Block elements do not sit inline and take up as much space horizontally as they can. Blocks begin a new line.

More here.

Styling SVG

SVGs are awesome. I find it really fun to have access to an image that either I created or someone else (like IcoMoon) and be able to change its fill value or create a SVG sprite file.

SVGs can be filled with extraneous information and I like using tools like SVGOMG to optimize them. This is especially the case with images that I create myself with Sketch.

I’ve used SVGs in multiple ways:

Image Replacement Techniques

The idea here is that you want to be semantic and SEO ready, but an image would look best. An example would be an image logo as the <h1> tag. It’s a battle between design and accessibility.

My Preference

SVGs are my preferred way since they are semantic and look great. You could add a <title> to and <svg>.

Old Techniques

h1.visuallyhidden {
    border: 0;
    clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
    height: 1px;
    margin: -1px;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0;
    position: absolute;
    width: 1px;
h1.technique-one {
    width: 250px;
    height: 25px;
    background-image: url(logo.gif);
h1.technique-one span {
    display: none;


When elements overlap, z-order determines which one covers the other. The z-index property specifies the z-order of an element and its descendants. z-index creates a stacking context (obviously) as do other properties (specified below).

Stacking Context

Stacking context is the three-dimensional conceptualization of HTML elements. This is along an imaginary z-axis with the user at one end facing the webpage. HTML elements are positioned by priority.

A stacking context is formed by any element with these qualities.


Stacking Summary

Stacking with z-index

If you want to specify a different stacking order, you have to position an element and use the z-index property.

Stacking without z-index

When no elements have a z-index elements are stacked from bottom to top with background and borders of the root element first, descendant blocks in the normal flow and in order of appearance in the HTML, and descendant positioned elements in order of appearance in the HTML.

translate() vs position: absolute;

You can move elements:

I prefer to think of design movements, for interaction purposes, as better performed by the translate() property. Chris Coiyer calls this “design-y” motion.

translate() also gets a blurring between pixels that lead to smoother animation (sub-pixel animation).

position is best used for position things, not “design-y” motion.


Flex-box allows us to control the layout of elements contained within a parent. Thus taking away the responsibility of contained elements for their layout on a page. The closest thing we have had to this is utilizing block formatting context, but nothing with this much control.

There are ways to accomplish almost any sort of layout without using flex-box, but most of them involve asking a lot from the elements themselves and not the container element.

A great example is my portfolio site where the navigation is a column on desktop, but a row on mobile view. Flex-box allows me to say, “hey, all you children are going to be flex-direction: column on wider screens and flex-direction: row (default) on narrower ones.”

You can also change the order of children, so if I want the logo a the top of a column of 3 children on for certain layouts and the bottom on others, just add the order property to each child.

You can also specify the amount of space a child takes up with the flex-grow and flex-basis properties.

It’s awesome!

Non-Standard Fonts

With the popularity of Google Fonts it is easier than ever to include non-standard fonts into a web design.

If the design includes a Google Font, you can access it directly from Google using a <link> element in the <head> (before your actual external stylesheets!) and then access it in your stylesheets by adding the font name to your CSS. Google takes care of the rest.

Let’s say the font is not a Google Font, or the Google Font has issues (like it appears in italics in some web browsers—don’t laugh, this has happened to me before!). In that case, you can use the @font-face at-rule to specify online fonts or local fonts to display. With the @font-face rule you can specify a font-family, src’s for the file locations in the form of url(‘fonts/some-font.ttf’);, and font-weight and font-style, among other properties.

Unique @font-face Names

Most people add custom fonts use unique names for every font weight. That is not necessary and will save a lot of small headaches if you do it right from the beginning by adding multiple weights and styles for every font with the same name.

@font-face {
  font-family: ‘liberation sans’;
  src: url(‘fonts/liberationsan-regular.ttf’) format(‘truetype’);
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

@font-face {
  font-family: ‘liberation sans’;
  src: url(‘fonts/liberationsan-italic.ttf’) format(‘truetype’);
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: italic;

Hiding Text

visibility:hidden; and/or display: none;

These styles hide text for all users. The text is removed from the visual flow of the page and is ignored by screen readers.

Best Use: When you want to hide content from the user and screen readers.

width: 0px; or height: 0px; or other 0 pixel sizing techniques

An element with no height or width is removed from the flow of the page, so most screen readers will ignore the content.

Best Use: When you want to hide content from the user and screen readers.

Positioning content off-screen

CSS Clip

position: absolute !important;
clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);

Hide or clip content that does not fit into a 1px area will hide the content visibly, but still allow it to b read by most modern screen readers.

Best Use: When you want to hide content from the user, but not screen readers.

Creating a .hidden class

Creating a class that can be added to an element that you want hidden visibly but available to screen readers. The class has:

Best Use: When you want to hide content from the user, but not screen readers.

Block Formatting Context

A block formatting context is an HTML box that satisfies at least one of the following conditions:

Whenever we create a new block formatting context, we choose the best condition based on our requirements. The element you use those conditions on becomes responsible for the layout of its children. The child elements are then contained within a new formatting context!

So, just as we showed overflow: hidden; can clear floats, the reason now is clear: because we are creating a new block formatting context on the parent and won’t wrap.

IDs vs Classes

Unique vs NOT Unique


The id selector doesn’t allow for reuse. Each element can have only one id and each page can only have one element with that id.

I try to use ids only for elements with functionality. One functionality is the “hash value” in the URL. In this scenario the browser will attempt to link a hash value with a corresponding ID on the page. The browser knows where to scroll there.


The class selector allows for reuse so you can target multiple elements. This is great for styling groups of elements. You can also use multiple classes on the same element.

The Box Model

The Box Model is used to describe the manipulation of a block-level element through margin, border, padding, height, and width—but not position!

How does it work?

Say you have a block-level element, like a <section> and it’s width is set to 500px. If the margin is set to 10px, border to 1px, padding to 10px, the resulting width of the element will be 542px.

But I wanted it to be 500px (plus margin)!

To get the browser to render how you want, you have to take into consideration that the width and height of a box-level element includes the padding and border.

You can change this by using the box-sizing property with value border-box. This makes width and height calculations include padding and the border (but not margin).

With our example above, if the <section> had property:

section {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  margin: 10px;
  width: 500px;
  padding: 10px;
  border-width: 1px;

Then its width on the page would become 500px + margin = 520px and not 542px since 1px + 1px border and 10px + 10px padding (equaling 22px) is included in the specified width!

Use the * universal selector and set box-sizing to border-box so that you can depend on the width including padding and border, which, to me, is much more intuitive.

* { box-sizing: border-box; }

Media Queries and Mobile Specific Layouts

I love this!

My approach is to break apart a user interface into individual, reusable components. Say you have a section of multiple pricing tiers. Each pricing tier is a module within the pricing tier component.

Constructing a page in this way means that your styles begin with a mobile screen. This isn’t always the case, but styling for individual components means they are more ready for a mobile screen than a desktop.

Media Queries

I put @media queries to good use when expanding a component/module style for a larger context. This usually is layout related, where I am adjusting the max-width, or changing the font-size, or margin and padding properties.

My go to is @media screen and (min-width: *some break point*) {} and it will contain styles for after that break.

I like to begin with a mobile layout and then expand it. It is more code and a slower process to begin with a wide viewport and try to make it smaller. If I am thinking of a UI as made up of many, many components anyways, why not start with the smaller screen?

Retina Graphics

Retina describes really sharp, clear screens that can cram in lots of pixels.

The Display Property

The display property determines the type of rendering box to use for an element. The initial values for elements are provided by HTML.

The Most Common Display Values

More Table Styles

How Browsers Match CSS Selectors

Browsers match CSS selectors from right to left. If a browser has an element it is trying to to style, say a <span> and there are a lot (thousands) of rules in the stylesheet, many of those selectors in the stylesheet do/will not match the <span>. So the browser wants to determine if a selector does not match as quickly as it can.

Continuing with this, if the browser starts by matching the rightmost part of the selector against the <span>, then chances are they will not match, and it is done and can move on to the next. When it does match, it just has to move to the left and continue the search.

But what about starting from the left? Wouldn’t that be more efficient?

If the browser starts with the leftmost part of the selector, and the end result is to style the <span>, it would have to match it against DOM nodes just to find a place to start. This would take a long time.

It’s all about a starting point

Starting from the right gives the browser a place to start matching selectors and getting rid of candidates very quickly.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using CSS Pre-Processors

My experience is mainly with Sass, which I love to use. Here are my thoughts.


There are few, so lets get them out of the way.




Variables can be used to easily switch out values. I usually use variables by creating a _variables.scss partial and storing commonly re-used values like fonts, weights, line-heights, colors, etc. This way I have a reference to quickly and easily change values.

Syntactic Tools

Using the @extend keyword followed by a selector will cause selector inheritance. You’re basically saying, “hey, use properties and values from that other selector on this one.”

You can also define a “placeholder” using %some-name and giving it properties to be added to selectors in the future with @extend %some-name.

@mixins are great for adding properties to a selector with arguments. A great example is using a mixin for adding common styles to a button but leave the colors and fonts arguments that are either set to a default or not.

The idea is that you can create a style component that can be reused and customized. Very cool.

Note that you can use variables as default arguments for mixins if you want.


Optimizing Webpages for Print

The @media print media type and Paged Media properties allow us to use CSS to optimize styles for print, when necessary.

How it works is we create a code block with @media print {} and include properties necessary for the section to print appropriately.

Formatting issues can be eliminated by including:

Tips for print media blocks

CSS Sprites

A sprite of images is a collection put into a single image (file). Get the image one, shift it around to only display part of it.


The term “sprites” comes from a technique in computer graphics where the computer can fetch a graphic into memory and then only display parts of that image at a time.


The reason to use sprites is to increase page load time since the number of server requests decrease and you save bandwidth, like minifying CSS and JavaScript.


Create one file of images that will be used.



position: relative;
Adding this property and value to an element makes it as though the element were not positioned, but you can then adjust it without changing the layout.

Leave space for the element.

position: fixed;
Will position the element at a specified position relative to the screen's viewport and not move it when scrolled.

Do not leave space for element.

position: absolute;
Will position the element at a specified position relative to its closest positioned ancestor or to the containing block. Boxes can have margins.

Do not leave space for element.

position: static;
This is an elements default positioning. The element is in its current position in the flow and top, right, bottom, left, and z-index properties do not affect it.

The Cascade

The CSS Cascade is an algorithm feature that determines how to find the value to apply for each property for each document element.

The Order of Things

Least User Agent (browser)
Kind of User Styles (think accessiblity)
Most Author Styles

The Cascade first filters all the rules from different sources whose selector matches the given element and appropriate media at-rule.

Then, the Cascade sorts the rules according to importance which is defined by an origin’s importance—either normal or !important.

  1. User Agent - Normal
  2. User Agent - !important
  3. User - Normal
  4. Author - Normal
  5. CSS Animations
  6. Author - !important
  7. User - !important


Priority is based on order that they appear and last style takes precedence over previous.

An example:

User-agent CSS (which each browser has its own)

li { margin-left: 10px }

Author CSS Reset

li { margin-left: 0 }

Author CSS

media screen {
  li { margin-left: 3px }

The last one gets selected even though it has the same selector as the reset since it is most important.

CSS Grid Systems

Grid systems are considered a best practice for rapid layout scaffolding.

My preference would be creating my own grid system, but that is project and team dependent. If a team wants to use Bootstrap, that is totally fine. Creating your own system means you have control over constructing the grid of rows of columns.

For me, having a command for using Flexbox as a layout tool is much better than a grid system.


Pseudo-elements are syntax added to selectors to style certain parts of a document.

Say you want to style the first line of a paragraph different than the rest? There is the :first-line pseudo-element.

Other pseudo-elements I use a lot are :before and :after. These are great for adding a .clear-fix class to clear floats or adding design elements that aren’t necessarily a part of the document.

Browser Specific Styling Issues

I use a few techniques to keep styles consistent across browser and mostly avoiding issues.

CSS Reset

I reset CSS so that I am starting from a blank slate on all browsers. No default browser styles are going to surprise me.

Prefixing and Auto-Prefixer

I like to use auto-prefixer and set it to date back a few browsers depending on features I’ll be implementing (i.e. will there be a lot of flexbox?). If there are some styles that are borderline not accepted on some browsers, I’ll be sure to make sure they are prefixed.

Mobile First

I take a responsive and mobile first approach to implementing the presentation layer.

Responsive vs Adaptive Design

Methods for dealing with the fact that websites are viewed on different devices and different contexts.


Responsive design is a means of becoming device agnostic — optimized for any screen. This means flexible assets, fluid measurements, and media queries defining where content breaks.


Adaptive design is thinking about specific points at which to adapt. It isn’t a fluid approach, but one that simply takes into account the possible best break points and adjusts the design.